Hello hello! This has been a jam-packed weekend, or at least it feels that way!
every road leads us to somewhere, and every turn brings us closer to home These are the chronicles of my adventures in Dijon, France and beyond from January to June. Come with me on my travels while I try, taste and treasure everything in Europe!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Oh, Que C'est Beaune!
Hello hello! This has been a jam-packed weekend, or at least it feels that way!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Try To Do It In French, Eh?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
It's Only Been A Week!?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Mustard, Roads and Owls
Thursday, February 3, 2011
American in Paris- and finally Dijon!
This morning we went to the supermarché, which was inside a mall. There weren’t even doors, you just walked through the mall past the cash registers and into the market. I think it might be like the French Wal-Mart, but maybe not as evil, because there were some clothes and stuff sold too. Anyway, we walked around for quite a while and picked out a lot of things that I said I liked to eat, including a lot of produce. Catherine seems to like eating healthily, and she even has sliced wheat bread and she said she liked salads. She was also very emphatic about me eating what I want to eat and telling her what I like and stuff, so this is kind of a relief for me. We talked all morning so that was good and then we got home. She went to meet a friend and Kathryn and I decided to meet up to go to the market. I successfully took the bus to our meeting point and discovered that it was only a block away. While I waited for Kathryn, I found the Square Darcy, which was this beautiful little park with a huge fountain and a lot of benches. I took a bunch of pictures and then Kathryn arrived and we walked around until we found the downtown area with stores and street vendors, because Saturday is market day, I guess. We went in a store and bought some snacks (pretzels, which are called bretzels, Nutella and gummy bears—sugar and chip/pretzel type things are the only things Catherine doesn’t seem to buy) and walked around some more before parting. I successfully got back home, but then I couldn’t find the door I had come out of (there are two doors to Catherine’s house, so I have keys to one and she has keys to the other, but I hadn’t yet come in the door to which I have the keys) and so I walked around the house for like ten minutes and then when I did find it I couldn’t get it unlocked. It turned out the key went in upside-down. Anyway, I made a lunch of salad with turkey meat and cheese and carrots and an apple (and bretzels with Nutella for dessert) and Clementine juice and it was really good and such a relief from all the rich food in Paris.
Now I just really want internet and want to email my parents and post my pictures and let my friends know that I am here. Catherine is at the hairdresser, and she told me I could invite a friend over but everyone is kind of doing their own thing so I am just writing and hanging out. She said that we could go for a walk when she got back. I think I am having roasted chicken for dinner tonight and I want it to be dinnertime because after dinner the Dijonettes are going to go out somewhere and I really want to see everyone and hang out with people. I don’t know what we’re doing tomorrow but hopefully I can meet up with some people/somehow obtain internet. I don’t want to wait until Monday!
Now that I finally have internet I'm going to post this! This morning I got to sleep in until 11 which was wonderful and then Catherine and I walked through old Dijon to a florist and then we stopped at a museum on the way back. It was very cool seeing all the old buildings, some of them dating back to before the 18th century! Tomorrow we have our placement test and we have other activities throughout the week. We start classes next Monday, thankfully. I am excited to have a schedule and occupation again! In all, things are going really well so far! Wish you were here!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
London Whirlwind